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-do you do R3AL: NO
-do you make video calls outside?: NO
-do you chat outside?: NO
-where are you from?: From the province of Cádiz (that's as far as I can read)
-are you liberal?: YES
-do you like young men: I like people with education, good manners and with little or no hair.
-what is your name in X?
We are MarioyPeach18 in social networks and swingers websites. In the profile are the links to social networks and Amazon wishlist to access directly.
wE LOVE TO BROADCAST WITH PEOPLE!!! If you are one of those who make me feel like a princess, we like you, you have room, time and you are willing to provide the necessary documentation to request authorization to AmateurTv, we could talk about it. (Even if you are not going to see your face in the broadcast, AmateurTv has to authorize the third parties that you are going to appear)
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