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22 y 24 years
Castellano y Inglés
Colombia, Bogota D.C.
Interested in:
Mujeres, Parejas, Hombres y Transexuales
1 year
Last show:
hi! I'm Kitty, i'm 20 years old girl living in Bogotá, i love food, make up and pets, i have three named Canela, Padme and Sylvie and two cats named Hela and Salem, which you will see on camera sometimes this does not mean that I do shows with them ❌ Neither I know what I do, I just want to have fun, enjoy, have a good time and if you like what I do, well join me and let's have a good time together :)
Hi! I'm Kitty, i'm 20 years old girl living in Bogotá, i love food, make up and pets, i have three named Canela, Padme and Sylvie and two cats named Hela and Salem, which you'll see on camera sometimes this doesn't mean that i do shows with them ❌. I don't even know what I do, I just want to have fun, enjoy, have a good time and if you like what I do, then join us and let's have a good time together :)
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